181213 LipidomicsForum Banner

The fifth Lipidomics Forum will be hosted between November 10th and 12th 2019 at Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center, which is a joint effort with the Leibniz institute for analytical sciences, ISAS. This symposium is an annual series of conferences on lipid biology and lipidomics to provide a platform for internationally acknowledged scientists, students, and young researchers to interact. Specifically, we would like to encourage students to participate by poster presentations and short talks allowing them to network with and to receive feedback from experts in the field. Therefore, this symposium series will not only cover current research highlights but also offer tutorials on selected methodical topics, as well as a dedicated lipidomics tools workshop on November 10th .

For this year, the German society for mass spectrometry (DGMS) offers travel grants for Ph.D. student members of the society.

It is with great pleasure that we announce to host the foundation of the International Lipidomics Society (ILS) during our conference. The main aim of the society is to bring together the worldwide lipid community, and to represent and promote lipidomics through worldwide cooperation and collaboration. ILS will foster the development of new technologies, resources and skills needed for tackling important research questions in lipid research. If you are interested please join us for the inaugural ceremony.

Registration opens on June 14th, 2019.

Conference Dates: November 10th - 12th , 2019

Location: Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center, Borstel, Germany

For more information see: http://lipidomics-forum.fz-borstel.de