Christian Dietz, Alexander Fillbrunn, Patrick Winter, Thorsten Meinl (CIBI)

12-01-2016 – 22-01-2016, all day

KNIME Office Konstanz
Reichenaustr. 11
78467 Konstanz

In January 2016 the CIBI Team is holding a 10-day hackathon in Konstanz, Germany.A hackathon is an event at which software developers and researchers collaborate intensively on software projects. The purpose of this hackathon is to bring together people from the de.NBI community to create new or enhance existing extensions of the KNIME open source platform, which then can be used by life-science researchers. This comprises the integration of other well-established software packages or algorithms. The focus is on three projects: Improving SeqAn and OpenMS KNIME integrations, KNIME Image Processing and ImageJ2 and the KNIME Cluster extension to process huge amounts of bio-data in parallel. Attendees will have the chance to consult with KNIME experts at the University of Konstanz, University of Tübingen and FU Berlin. All attendees should already have a background in Java and KNIME node development, so that the limited amount of time can be used efficiently.

Learning goals:
- Integration of existing projects into KNIME Data Analytics Platform
- Extending existing KNIME integrations with new functionality
- Adapt existing projects to use the KNIME Cluster execution
- NB: This is NOT a KNIME development training

- Knowledge of Java development
- Prior knowledge of KNIME Node development
- Precise formulation of personal hackathon project
- Project in the scope of de.NBI

Java, KNIME, BioInformatics, Hackathon, Integration, Cluster, Image Analysis, OpenMS, SeqAn, ImageJ, KNIP


Alexander Fillbrunn
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07531 88 2510