Precision Medicine-where Bioinformatics & Medical Informatics meet.

The German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB) is an annual, international conference devoted to all areas of bioinformatics and meant as a platform for the whole bioinformatics community. Recent meetings attracted a multinational audience with 250 – 300 participants each year.

In 2019, the conference focuses on bringing physicians, bioinformatics & medical informatics together and aims to showcase applications and opportunities beyond. Spearheading scientists will be presenting along with young researchers and industry representatives. Workshops will provide opportunities for hands-on experience.

The upcoming GCB will be organized by the DECHEMA and supported by de.NBI. It will be held at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. The first day September 16 is reserved for workshops and satellite meetings. The main conference will take place from September 17-19. The schedule will allow for fly-in on Monday and fly-out on Thursday or Friday.

Heidelberg and the Dechema look forward to an interesting and enjoyable GCB 2019 in Heidelberg!

For more information see