This article is introducing the de.NBI Industrial Forum, its connection to the de.NBI and ELIXIR networks as well as possibilities to participate in the de.NBI network’s achievements.

As pointed out in previous blog articles, the de.NBI network offers life science researchers free of charge services, training, compute resources as well as international connections to cope with the ongoing demands of big data handling. Sharing the common ground on handling big data, bioinformatics analysis, and a deep interest in life science, there are a lot of interconnections between the de.NBI network, the de.NBI Industrial Forum and industrial life science applications.

Karte Standorte IndustriemitgliedersvgThe de.NBI Industrial Forum currently holds 39 companies from Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Luxembourg ranging from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to big pharma companies.

By becoming a member of the de.NBI Industrial Forum, you can tap into the vast network of de.NBI experts. This includes not only the use of the given de.NBI Services, but also the chance to provide your own services to the bioinformatics community for free. The de.NBI network’s training efforts are open to industry participants and the de.NBI Cloud is an outstanding example of providing computational resources for handling big data. The de.NBI network as well as the de.NBI Industrial Forum are tightly linked to the European life science infrastructure ELIXIR, facilitating opportunities to connect and collaborate on a European level.

In the de.NBI Industrial Forum, we are creating spaces for networking and discussions about  big data handling. Stakeholders from industry and academia discuss pressing and current bioinformatics issues during the Industrial Forum’s activities. Sharing expertise and knowledge, comparing experiences and know-how, and discussing different points of view are the key features of the de.NBI Industrial Forum.

The de.NBI Industrial Forum was founded in 2018 and has since attracted  39 member companies ranging from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to big pharma companies in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, setting the foundation for a broad variety of expertise in the field of life science and bioinformatics.

Intrigued and looking for ways to get involved?

Attend our “Annual Meeting of the de.NBI Industrial Forum”. The Annual Meeting showcases a specific topic of interest in the realm of big data handling and bioinformatics applications in the Life Sciences to academic and industrial stakeholders. The participation is free of charge. Topics presented and discussed in the Forum and the Annual Meeting range from plant research, COVID-19 findings, implementation of artificial intelligence to Digital Health applications.

This year’s Annual Meeting will be held November 23rd 2023. Stay connected to the de.NBI Industrial Forum and its Annual Meeting by following the link: or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., who is responsible for the Industrial Forum Coordination, directly.