Marcel Ehrhardt, Enrico Seiler (CIBI)
28 - 30.06.2021
The SeqAn project will hold its SeqAn3 developer meeting and a de.NBI / CIBI workshop online at the end of June (28th to 30th).
Goal of the meeting is to kickstart new projects with our collaborators from RKI, MPI, Italy, etc. and for the SeqAn core team to plan the direction of the next SeqAn3 release.
Additionally, to working on the release of SeqAn3, the SeqAn team will offer a workshop as part of de.NBI that includes trainings and hands-on sessions so that our project partners and interested guests are the first to learn how to use our new software and related programming techniques. Those parties will be able to come to the meeting with their current research problems or existing applications, and we will do our best to port these or develop new working proto-types with them on-site. Furthermore, the meeting provides a unique opportunity for those parties to present their research and formulate expectations they have of a modern Bionformatics library/framework and thereby influence the future development of SeqAn in a way that benefits their work in the long run.
Learning goals:
• Software engineering and App development with SeqAn
• High-performance computing using SeqAn and the STL
• Modern C++ features like Concepts, Ranges, and many more
This tutorial is mostly suited for computational biologist and bioinformaticians with research focus on sequence analysis (e.g., genomics, metagenomics, assembly, read alignment, variant detection, etc.) Attendees must have an intermediate level of programming skills and a strong interest in C++ as well as a fundamental background in the SeqAn3 software library. Attendees must bring their own laptop. Software for the tutorial should be installed beforehand, but we will also dedicate some extra time for setting up the workstations. The following systems/software is required:
• MacOS (g++-7 or higher) or Linux or BSD (g++-7 or higher)
• Git • Cmake-3.8 or higher
SeqAn3, Sequence Analysis, modern C++
The number of participants is limited to 20. To register please write an email to the contact person below.