Alexander Fillbrunn, Patrick Winter (CIBI)
03-09-2018 – 07-09-2018, all day
Workaround Shared Office Konstanz (Reichenaustr. 11a, 78467 Konstanz)
There are a variety of cluster middleware systems available. Currently KNIME supports Unicore, Torque, and SLURM. At this Hackathon we would like to implement an additional executor for the Sun Grid Engine, another widely used middleware. Additionally, we want to highlight what can be done with KNIME on a cluster, so people who want to build cluster capable workflows are also welcome.
If time permits, we want to demonstrate the new Generic KNIME Nodes Dynamic Nodes framework and collect ideas how to improve that new feature.
Learning goals:
- Implementing a Sun Grid Engine Cluster Extension for KNIME
- Building KNIME workflows for the cluster
- Using the Generic KNIME Nodes Dynamic Nodes plugin
- Knowledge of Java development or prior knowledge of KNIME workflows
- Precise formulation of personal hackathon project
- Project in the scope of de.NBI
Java, KNIME, BioInformatics, Hackathon, Integration, Cluster, OpenMS, SeqAn
Alexander Fillbrunn