• Tübingen


Oliver Kohlbacher, Knut Reinert, Julianus Pfeuffer, Timo Sachsenberg (CIBI)

September 21st – 23rd 2016

Tutorial Session (September 21th):
Wilhelm-Schickard Institute – University of Tübingen
Sand 14, room 104
72076 Tübingen

Talks: (September 22nd – 23rd):
Konferenzzentrum (conference center) Schnarrenberg,
Otfried-Müller-Straße 6, conference room 1
72076 Tübingen

During the user meeting we will present the capabilities of OpenMS, provide training in a dedicated tutorial session and discuss your needs and future directions in mass spectrometry. This year’s meeting will include an optional OpenMS tutorial session on the first day (Wednesday, September 21st ) with the general conference starting on Thursday, September 22nd. You can bring your data, an OpenMS wish list, ideas for collaboration projects, and also give a talk about your project. This may include suggestions in areas where currently available software solutions were unsatisfactory.

Keynote speakers:

CIBI speakers:
Oliver Kohlbacher, Knut Reinert, Julianus Pfeuffer, Timo Sachsenberg

Learning goals:
Capabilities of the OpenMS library and tools; How these tools are combined in flexible and powerful workflows in order to analyze LC-MS based, high-throughput metabolomic and proteomic data; How the powerful workflow engine KNIME is employed to build these workflows, perform statistical analysis and visualize results.

Basic to expert level knowledge of MS-based proteomics or metabolomics

LC-MS-based proteomics and metabolomics, OpenMS, workflows, KNIME, data analysis


Scientific and program questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please register at: http://www.openms.org/um2016/