Keynote speakers: Oliver Serang (FU Berlin), Jürgen Cox (MPI Martinsried), Juan Antonio Vizcaino (EMBL-EBI, Hinxton), Sebastian Böcker (Jena University), Lennart Martens (Ghent University), Samuel Payne (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland), George Rosenberger (ETH Zürich), Viktoria Dorfer (FH Hagenberg),
de.NBI speakers: Stefan Albaum (BIGI), Oliver Kohlbacher (CIBI), Michael Berthold (CIBI), Martin Eisenacher (BioInfra.Prot), Robert Ahrends (BioInfra.Prot)
26-30 September 2016
Dagstuhl Castle, Wadern
Proteomics and metabolomics are to a large extent based on experimental data, for which mass spectra of a sample are assigned to specific biomolecules. Thus questions arising from basic and applied research can be answered, as for example the differentiation of the protein composition between healthy and diseased per-sons or the early detection of Parkinson patients. As the Omics technologies are rather wide-spread today, developed algorithms should be usable also by non-computer science experts and sustainably utilizable by them, e.g. as combinable modules in workflow systems.
Aims & Requisites:
The summer school has the aim to give PhD students and postdocs from computer science / bioinformatics / life sciences as well as developers of bioinformatics algorithms and analysis software deeper insights in the details of existing algorithms or software systems in the proteomics and metabolomics. Participants will use – instructed by keynote and de.NBI speakers – existing tools to analyse and visualize real-world datasets (data prepared for the tutorials specifically as well as the participants‘ own data). Beyond that, they will be put into a position to be able to combine their own existing and future algorithms or tools with other soluti-ons as well as to integrate them into a sustainable software system. To this end the summer school will also contain hackathons to quickly prototype novel tools.
Application and Deadlines:
In total, 20 participants (advanced PhD students / post-docs from computer science / bioinformatics / life sci-ences coming from Germany, Europe, World-Wide) will be selected based on short applications. Please provide the following documents:
- CV (e.g. topic of PhD thesis / research focus)
- Motivation letter
- Description of bioinformatics skills (e.g. “experience in applying bioinformatics tools”, “knowledge about scripting / com-mand line usage”, “tool developer / program-mer”)
- Description of own data sets (if any)
Send your application via email to PD Dr. Martin Eisenacher (full contact details below). Accommodation will be supplied by the de.NBI consortium. Travel expenses have to be paid by the participants. There will be no participation fee.
PD Dr. Martin Eisenacher Medizinisches Proteom-Center Ruhr-Universität Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 D-44801 Bochum phone: +49 / 234 / 32-29288 e-mail: