• Halle (Saale)


Prof. Knut Reinert, René Rahn, Hannes Hauswedell (CIBI)

25. – 27.09.2017

Martin-Luther University, Steintor-Campus, Room SR7, Emil-Abderhalden-Straße, 06108 Halle, Germany

The SeqAn user meeting addresses bioinformatics professionals and students who want to develop efficient applications for NGS analysis based on an efficient, well-maintained C++ library.
We offer a dedicated track for users that want to develop computational tools with SeqAn. In addition, we will present the capabilities of SeqAn and its integration into the Workflow system KNIME and discuss your needs and future directions in sequence analysis. The schedule of our meetings is very flexible, allowing discussions and contributions from the participants.

Note, this year’s user meeting is a joint CIBI event featuring SeqAn, OpenMS and MetFrag. All three tools are developed by the Center for Integrative Bioinformatics (CIBI) and funded as a project of the german network for bioinformatic infrastructure (de.NBI).

You will find additional information regarding accommodations and travel directions on our webpage: http://www.seqan.de/seqan-ugm-2017/

See you in Halle!
The CIBI Team

Learning goals:
Using SeqAn for tool development

For the developer track, basic knowledge about C++ and fundamental programming experience is of advantage.

Sequence Analysis; NGS Workflows; Proteomics; Metabolomics


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