• Norwich


Bérénice Batut, Björn Grüning (RBC), Gabriella Rustici, Sarah Morgan (ELIXIR), Nicola Soranzo, Anil Thanki, Emily Angiolini (Earlham Institute)

2018-05-21 to 2018-05-23

Norwich, Earlham Institute


The objectives are to further pursue some of the objectives of the ELIXIR Galaxy Community for training, e.g.:
 -improve and extend the collection of Galaxy training materials, in particular with the goal of integrating the admin training slides and tutorials
- add support for BioSchemas
- complete the upload on Zenodo of the collection of datasets used for the tutorials, which will provide stable Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) and reliable data hosting
- plan internationalisation and localisation support in order to make the training material available to users in their own language
- implement Galaxy tutorials in e-Learning platforms
- annotate each tutorial with the existing public Galaxy instances where it can be executed (i.e. where the necessary tools and genome indexes are installed), allowing users to immediately try it on the server of their choice
- create more Docker containers providing on-demand Galaxy instances for a given tutorial.
Learning goals:
How to train people efficiently and how to develop Galaxy training material.


Galaxy, train-the-trainer, GTN

Galaxy, travis, jekyll, planemo

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