• Berlin


Alexander Fillbrunn, Christian Dietz, Michael Berthold (CIBI)

19.09. – 21.09.2018

Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin

We would like to announce this year’s CIBI KNIME User Meeting 2018 from 19th to 21st of September in Berlin. For the second time, we will host it as a common User Meeting of the de.NBI Center for Integrative Bioinformatics (CIBI) and invite researchers in the fields of genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, data mining and bioimage analysis to come together and share their knowledge.

We will offer a dedicated tutorial track to get acquainted with our software tools like OpenMS, Fiji, MASH, and SeqAn and to demonstrate their use in the context of the KNIME® Analytics platform. The tutorials will cover typical tasks in genomics, proteomics and metabolomics as well as image analysis and experts of each field will be present to answer your questions. In addition, we will set up bring-you-own-data (BYOD) sessions, where you can meet the developers and other scientists to discuss and implement solutions for analyzing data from your experiments.

The program will be complemented with keynotes and talks from researchers in the field, giving you new insights in the recent development of our tools and showcasing current projects using multi-omics analysis.

Learning goals:
- What KNIME is and is capable of
- Which 3rd party software exists for KNIME
- How to use OpenMS, SeqAn, and other tools within KNIME
- How to incorporate and share existing tools within KNIME
- Practical experience with KNIME through exercises

The tutorials are suited for beginners and intermediate programmers and users in the domain of life sciences. Prior knowledge of SeqAn, OpenMS, or KNIME is not required, albeit it can be very helpful.
For the programming part a basic knowledge in C++ is required. Also, the following compilers and command line tools for the programming part are required:
- MacOS (g++-7 or higher) or Linux or BSD (g++-7 or higher)
- Git
- Cmake-3.0 or higher
For the KNIME part the latest version 3.6 will be used.

We will provide an ubuntu virtual machine with preinstalled software ready to use (requires virtual box installation and at least 40 GB of free disk space.)

More information and registration can be found at: https://sites.google.com/view/cibi-user-meeting-2018/home

SeqAn, OpenMS, Fiji, KNIME

KNIME, SeqAn, OpenMS, MASH, Fiji, [optional] VirtualBox (We will provide a fully integrated Ubuntu VM with all necessary software preinstalled)

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