Toby Hodges, Malvika Sharan (HD-HuB)
21 May
EMBL Heidelberg
Do you struggle to keep track of the changing versions of your scripts/programs? Have you ever made changes to a file, only to wish shortly afterward that you could easily get back the old version? Do you want to learn how to harness the awesome features of GitHub for collaboration, issue tracking, software publication, etc? The course will provide an introduction to git via three different interfaces: the command line, a graphical client, and GitHub. For EMBL members, this introductory course will be followed by an intermediate-level training in which you can learn more about managing a project with git and how to use some of the powerful features of the EMBL GitLab system for automated testing, deployment, and web publishing.
Learning goals:
This one-day course aims to teach good practice in version control, using git in conjunction with GitHub, Participants will learn:
- how to maintain a history of changes with git and how to compare differences between versions
- how to restore old versions of files
- how to synchronize local versions with a remote repository
- how multiple developers can collaborate effectively on a project, and how to resolve conflicting changes
- how to manage a project through the GitHub interface
- how to choose the right license for a project
In association with emblr, the course will end with a session demonstrating how to take advantage of the features of git through the RStudion interface. Course participants are required to bring their own laptop. Further setup instructions will follow closer to the time.
Git, Github
Git, Github
Malvika Sharan (
Registration Info:
Registration link:
The course is free for EMBL members, who should log in with their EMBL credentials before registering. EMBL-EBI members without a username and password for EMBL Heidelberg systems are very welcome and can contact Toby Hodges to request a place.
This de.NBI-affiliated course is open to external participants. The external participants will be charged with a course fee of 60 Euros (to cover the lunch and infrastructure related cost). The invoice details will be shared via email.