• Mallorca


René Rahn, Hannes Hauswedell (CIBI)

11.03.2017 – 18.03.2017

Mallorca, Spain

During this developer meeting we will continue to integrate several projects into the SeqAn-3 library.
With the new C++ standards C++11/14 and 17 the language and the STL have been majorly evolved and support now many useful features that feel like a new programming language. Based on the current standard of C++17 we plan a major redesign of the SeqAn library targeting the novel design concepts.
During a presentation day the concepts and implementation designs are presented. In the subsequent days different task forces will be assembled to work on the implementation.

Learning goals:
- Working with modern C++ 11/14/17 (Concepts, Ranges, STL-Features).
- Working with the SDSL (Succinct Datastructure Standard Library).
- Documenting code with Doxygen.
- Writing unit tests with google test framework.
- Designing and implementing core modules of SeqAn-3.

Target audience: This developer retreat is for invited members only. Participants must be familiar with the design principles of SeqAn and with the current c++ standards: ISO/IEC 14882:2011, ISO/IEC 14882:2014 and the current draft of C++17 as well as the working draft of N4641 (Concept TS) and N4651 (range TS).
Software requirements: For the retreat we require a working installation of the gcc-7 compiler, cmake >= 3.2, git, doxygen

Modern C++, SeqAn

No special tools are required or used.

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