de.NBI cloud group
12.11.2021 – 24.11.2021
We are pleased to announce the third de.NBI Cloud User Meeting. In comparison to preceding meetings, this year`s meeting will be organized as an online conference. Over five days users can watch talks of already experienced users and long running projects and thereby learn about best practices in cloud computing. Same as the last years we will try to cover topics for beginners such as virtualization but also topics for software engineers and administrators such as orchestration with Kubernetes. Participants will learn how to scale up their analysis to handle growing input data and how to use workflow managers such as Snakemake in a cloud environment. As every year we are also going to demonstrate the usage of bioinformatics software in the de.NBI Cloud using Docker images or Bioconda packages.
Planned Courses:
- Running Snakemake Workflows in the de.NBI Cloud
- OpenStack Introduction
- BioConda and BioContainers
- Kubernetes Introduction
- Deploying Web Services in the de.NBI Cloud
- Extensible Cluster Setup in the Cloud with BibiGrid and Ansible
- Using Terraform to define infrastructure as code
Learning goals:
Working with the de.NBI cloud
We welcome people from all background, no matter if you are new to the de.NBI Cloud or considering to submit a project application, to learn and network in our growing community.
de.NBI cloud
de.NBI cloud