Michael Turewicz, Dominik Kopczynski, Karin Schork, Treesa Sunny (BioInfra.Prot)
Thursday, 28th March 2019
Potsdam, Germany
In this one day course we will show some of our tools provided in de.NBI, namely “PIA – Protein Inference Algorithms”, “PeptideShaker”, “SearchGUI” and “BIONDA”. PIA allows to inspect and combine the results of proteomics search engines. The main focus lays on the integrated inference algorithms for identification and quantification purposes. SearchGUI is a management tool for peptide search engines and for de novo identification. It enables a fast and intuitive selection of the tools for the analysis. PeptideShaker is a protein inference tool with several features. It can read the results of all common database search engines as well as from de novo tools and re-analyze the results in a combined manner to create a consensus result. BIONDA is a free, up-to-date and user-friendly biomarker and biomarker candidate database that facilitates any kind of research on protein biomarkers and the corresponding diseases.
Learning goals:
Attendees of the course will learn how to use the tools PIA, PeptideShaker, SearchGUI and BIONDA effectively for their daily work.
This course is for all researches in the field of proteomics. The attendees should have basic knowledge of LC-MS proteomics, but no prior bioinformatics skills are required. Basic knowledge of how to analyse LC-MS data are sufficient. Attendees are required to bring their own laptops. If not possible, please contact the organizers.
Proteomics; Data Analysis; Biomarkers
PIA; PeptideShaker; SearchGUI; BIONDA
More information:
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