M. Eisenacher, Ruhr University Bochum
Service center: Service center Bioinformatics for Proteomics – BioInfra.Prot

The pandemic of COVID-19 caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2 has an enormous negative impact on all affected health systems, economies and societies. The task of curbing the spread of the virus requires a nationwide, unified approach, as does the task of ensuring optimal medical care. Increasing the knowledge base, and doing so quickly, is of the utmost importance – and requires an effective support structure. This will be provided by the new research network, an alliance which aims to include all of Germany’s university hospitals. The BMBF has agreed to provide €150 million in funding for this initiative.
In this context, the SepsisDataNet.NRW consortium, a project aiming to decrease the lethality of sepsis by personalized treatments aided by a decision support system based on artificial intelligence and big clinical data, has proposed to provide its data on COVID-19-related sepsis and expertise to the new research network on COVID-19. In SepsisDataNet.NRW, besides BioInfra.Prot (Martin Eisenacher, Ruhr-University Bochum) as experts for bioinformatics and statistics, various clinics located in North Rhine-Westphalia are involved.

For further information on the new research network on COVID-19: https://www.bmbf.de/de/karliczek-wir-foerdern-nationales-netzwerk-der-universitaetsmedizin-im-kampf-gegen-covid-11230.html
For further information on SepsisDataNet.NRW: http://www.sepsisdatanet.de/index.php

10 Eisenacher Provision BioInfraProt orig