Heidelberg Center for Human Bioinformatics (HD-HuB)

ACEseq - method to detect somatic copy number variations
Alfred - NGS alignment quality control
BAND - Bioimage ANalysis Desktop
BiocompR - a visualization framework for data comparison and exploration
BiocWorkflowTools - bioconductor authoring tool
biomaRt - R interface to BioMart services
BiQ Analyzer - Processing and primary analysis of data obtained in clonal bisulfite sequencing experiments
BiQ Analyzer HiMod - Processing and primary analysis of data obtained in standard targeted bisulfite sequencing experiments
BiQ Analyzer HT - Processing and primary analysis of data obtained in high-throughput targeted bisulfite sequencing experiments
BUTLER - Framework for the cloud orchestration of genomics workflows
ChrAccR - R package for the comprehensive analysis of chromatin accessibility data
circlize - visualization of huge amounts of information
CWLab - simplified deployment of the Common Workflow Language using a GUI
DecompPipeline - A preprocessing pipeline for preparing DNA methylation data for MeDeCom
DELLY - workflow for the discovery of germline and somatic structural variants
DESeq2 - R/Bioconductor package for differential gene expression analysis
DEXSeq - analysis of alternative exon usage
Dorothea - human and mouse TF regulons
E-CRISP - Design of CRISPR constructs
EBImage & RBioFormats - R/Bioconductor packages that provide general purpose functionality for the reading, writing, processing and analysis of images

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