Team ELIXIR Officers
The Team ELIXIR Officers is composed of representatives from each of the eight scientific service units of ELIXIR Germany. This group of scientists promotes the collaboration between ELIXIR Germany and ELIXIR Europe by actively contributing to the scientific activities of ELIXIR's Platforms, Communities and Focus Groups and to ELIXIR-funded scientific studies. Several members of the Team ELIXIR Officers have co-lead functions in the Platforms, Communities or Implementation Studies of ELIXIR Europe. The Officers are also directly involved in the scientific activities of their service units and form the connective tissue between the service units and the management of ELIXIR Germany. Moreover, they will actively contribute to further development of distinct bioinformatics services according to their areas of scientific expertise and their bioinformatics resources. The Team ELIXIR Officers is led by the ELIXIR Germany Node Coordinator Irena Maus and meets regularly to align the operation of the German ELIXIR Node.
ELIXIR Officers | Task Activity |
Sebastian Beier Forschungszentrum Jülich Crop Plant (Green) Bioinformatics E-Mail: |
Ulrike Wittig Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies Data Management Coordinator in Converge E-Mail: |
Michael R. Crusoe Forschungszentrum Jülich & Freie Universität Berlin Integrative Bioinformatics E-Mail: |
Dirk Winkelhardt Forschungszentrum Jülich & Ruhr University Bochum Bioinformatics of Proteomics E-Mail: |
Leonid Kostrykin Forschungszentrum Jülich & Heidelberg University Human Bioinformatics E-Mail: |
Sebastian Schaaf Forschungszentrum Jülich & University of Freiburg Galaxy Europe E-Mail: |
Sina Barysch (in kind member) EMBL Heidelberg Human Bioinformatics E-Mail: |
Lisanna Paladin EMBL Heidelberg Human Bioinformatics E-Mail: |
Martinique Frentrup DSMZ Braunschweig BioData E-Mail: |
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