Oliver Stegle @ German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) & European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Heidelberg
The research group of Oliver Stegle in the Division for Computational Genomics and Systems Genetics at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) is dedicated to unravel the genotype–phenotype map on a genome-wide scale. The research focuses on the question of how genetic background and environment jointly shape phenotypic traits or cause diseases. In search for an answer, the group investigates the different molecular layers at which genetic and external factors are integrated and analyzes the variability of molecular states between individual cells.
The services offered to the network include bioinformatics software and workflows for the analysis of single-cell datatypes. These contributions build on the scientific achievements and prior work of the Stegle group, which includes widely-used bioinformatics tools for single-cell RNA-seq analysis (slalom, limix), single-cell epigenetics and multi-omics methods (Multi-Omics Factor Analysis - MOFA), as well as spatial transcriptomics. Furthermore, the group offers a training course for single-cell data analysis on an annual basis.
Due to the geographical proximity as well as the related research focus of the Stegle group to members of HD-HuB, contributions of this associated partner will be aligned with activities of the HD-HuB service center.
The group will establish relevant bioinformatics services for the analysis of single-cell data types. These methods will also be established, and maintained on the de.NBI Cloud. Furthermore, Oliver Stegle is a member of the Human Cell Atlas project, and hence contributes the required expertise to establish community standards and workflows for single-cell analytics.
Project Management
Division for Computational Genomics and Systems Genetics
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
69120 Heidelberg